
Coverage of local nonprofit organizations and the impact they are having in the community

Tiny Houses of Hope

HOPE Thru Navigation helped bring three tiny homes to Kalamazoo's Northside to provide housing for formerly imprisoned people in need of a second chance.

Beyond Books

Learn about El Concilio's Tutoring Program where children receive personalized assistance from volunteer tutors.

Black Wings at the Air Zoo

Explore Black Wings, a permanent exhibit at the Air Zoo that celebrates black pilots and their contributions to aerospace.

Mentoring at Kids Hope

Created in our Neighborhood Journalism with Smartphones class, Cathy Freeman explores the mentorship program, Kids Hope, and shows what a difference a little help can make. Learn more about Kids Hope.

Roxie the Refurbished Dog

Meet Roxie, a rescue from Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan. The program takes in dogs who have been abandoned in shelters or surrendered by their families, placing them in Lakeland Correctional Facility to work with the inmates for 10 weeks.…

Rawk Out with Books

Step into the world of RAWK (Read and Write Kalamazoo), where young voices are amplified through the cultivation of reading and writing skills. Volunteers of RAWK support kids, fostering a love for language and self-expression.

A+ Rock Stars

The Kalamazoo Academy of Rock teaches area teens how to play guitar, keyboards, drums, and perform like rock stars. Learn about one of the most in-demand music programs in the Kalamazoo area and why THEIR recitals totally rock!