Michigan Immigrant Rights Center Officially Losing Federal Funding

Today, the Michigan Immigration Rights Center (MIRC) officially received word that they’re losing federal funding to help provide legal services for 900 unaccompanied immigrant minors. Children as young as toddlers will be facing judges in court alone as a result.

Today, Amplify Kalamazoo was at their Kalamazoo office to do a story about their services and a Know Your Rights video when MIRC learned their federal funding would be withheld.

Director Susan E. Reed, still reeling from the devastating but not surprising news, said that the Kalamazoo office will still be able to provide legal services to the children in our portion of Michigan thanks largely to private donations and support from organizations. Most of the 900 children in Michigan, unfortunately, are outside of their Kalamazoo office’s district.

The 900 children range from one-year-olds taken away from their parents to teenagers who have fled their countries in search of a more hopeful future.

Many media outlets portray immigrants as violent criminals when the truth is that most are just looking for a better tomorrow. Reed said that statistically, most go to great lengths to comply with laws and cause less problems than American residents.

MIRC and other organizations may be forced to pivot to find another revenue source to continue helping these children.  

In the meantime, please visit www.michiganimmigrant.org to learn more about MIRC and how you can help. Their website may not reflect today’s news yet.

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